Tuesday 24 December 2013

Hot summer days, late night shopping and Christmas lights

It's hot, unbearably hot. I have a low tolerance for heat. Sydney feels like its surrounded by fire. It's that hot. The days are spent seeing how long I can last it's usually till lunchtime until there is an undying need to turn the air conditioning on. How do I survive this long? I compare it to that trip of a life time teacher's words not mine to Central Australia where the minimum temp. is probably the maximum here right now but that's for another blog post coming up.

So once the air conditioning comes on, the blankets come out. It's actually the best feeling in the world to be wrapped up in blankets while feeling that cool breeze coming from the air con. Being a growing teen, I probably eat ten times more than anyone else yes I'm a girl so what. There is actually nothing left in my fridge, mum refuses to buy anything until I finish all this random food around the house that's probably older than me. Yuck.

Mum finally decided that it was time to go shopping but since it was so hot, she left it till the middle of the night to go. Now I don't know about you but I always reckon shopping at night is so much more exciting than going during the day, there's less people too.

Anyway after what turned out to be a disappointing trip, we spontaneously decided to drive around the streets looking for houses with Christmas light decorations.

These houses were tame compared to some other houses I passed by (sorry for the bad quality but I was trying to sneakily take shots from a moving car on a horrible phone camera).

We were going to stop at that church which always has Christmas lights but all the streets around it were crazily packed and we couldn't park anywhere.

 Went back to the church during the day, and the lights still look amazing. They also have this life sized nativity of Jesus when he was born.

Merry Christmas guys,

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