Saturday 21 December 2013

Christmas shopping time

It's finally here, the long awaited holidays. There's no early morning alarms, the rush to get ready and running for the bus.
So while the lucky most are off to someplace exotic like Daniel is, the rest of us are stuck at home with nothing much to do.
Being in Sydney, we were blessed or cursed with 41 degree weather today and there was absolutely no where to escape the heat in my house. So with my predicament, I felt the need to finish of my long list of Christmas shopping and take advantage of the year round air conditioning inside shopping centres.

5hrs and a whole new outfit later, I have not yet managed to clear of anything on my list but have instead wasted money on myself.
What can I say, Christmas time has the best bargains ever.

Happy Lab Jelly Beans - $14.95
I'm not a huge fan of jellybeans normally but these ones come on test tube containers and I couldn't resist.

Chicabooti Top - $5.99
Factorie Skirt - $4.95
I'm in heaven. Everything is on sale and I managed to pick up these pieces without blowing my stash of money. 

Factorie Flower Lights - $9.95
I've been dying for lights to hang up in my bedroom but everything was too expensive for a teenage budget until now. 

So after all my personal purchases, I had no time to find presents for anyone at all. Needless to say mum wasn't very happy with my wasted trip.
Moral of the story -  don't go shopping by yourself or with your friends especially during Christmas because you can't resist buying things for yourself. 

Until next time,

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