Tuesday 24 December 2013

Singapore Day 2

Day 2:
Rise and shine! It was 7am and we had an entire day ahead to fill spontaneously. Spontaneous 'planning' in Singapore really don't seem to work and there are quite a few activities which do require pre-hand booking. We all dressed accordingly to the 90% humidity and heat.

After a quick breakfast down at the Marina food court, we inquired about the day's activities. 'Garden's by the Bay' for the early morning seemed an attractive option. The obvious attractions were 'Flower Dome', 'Cloud Forest' and 'Supertree Grove'. Everywhere in Singapore, anyone over the age of 12 is considered an adult in terms of admission/ tickets. 'Flower Dome' was a world of everlasting Spring and housed combinations of plants from all over the world including our very own (Australia) Golden Wattle and state Waratah. 'Cloud Forest' showcased a realm with overhanging platforms and apparently the world's largest indoor waterfall. 'Supertree Grove' spanned across 12 unique trees and ran an elevated walkway across the canopy.

Flower Dome

Flower Dome

Cloud Forest

Supertree Grove

From Skytree Grove we then went for lunch. (I can't remember where but it was in Gardens by the Bay =D)
Chinatown and Little India were our stops after lunch and our first time on the MRTs as well.
The food in Chinatown was extremely cheap compared to that of the main CBD area. There was evident historical and cultural significance in both neighbourhoods.


More Chinatown food stores

The market

MRT tickets

Little India for the most part was quite similar to that of Chinatown aside from some differences. The food, majority race and merchandise were completely of India's own culture. Unfortunately time was a major setback and minimal time was spent here.

Three musketeers who wanted a photo.

Fresh fruit produce along the array of market stores.

Food for sale

The famous Orchard Road was our next destination and once we alighted from the MRT all I can say was the atmosphere was the best. Loud drumming and music surrounded the sea of humans. The congestion was a queue to walk. Singapore and their queues.. hmm.. I'll go more into this later on. This 2 kilometre boulevard was shopping central for all the tourists and the country's general population to complete their last minute Christmas shopping. Filled with the world's most iconic brands, those with money to spend will inevitably find this an extremely pleasuring shopping experience! Once the afternoon turned to night the road came to life with festive lights, eye-candy sprinkled throughout.

Mr Peashooter I must commend you on your services in defending the lawn from zombies. [PvZ]

Merry Christmas
Daniel Xu    21/12/13
Christmas Wall filled with many messages from the public.

The throng of the crowd crossing the road.

Louis Vuitton yo!

All in all, day 2 was a lovely one filled with many foreign surprises. From flower appreciation to the dazzling of a world famous shopping district and packed in markets there were endless activities to partake in.

Signing off 


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